Friday, March 30, 2012

Girly as hell...

If I’m never able to utter another word in this life I want you to know something, not just hear me say it but know … that I need you, utterly, helplessly and without wish for a cure. I need your help, your calm center, your rational force, your playful sweet nature. Know that every time I hear your voice I am struck with the enormous luck I have to be in your esteem. When you send me a message out of the blue I am awed and subjugated by my overwhelming affection. My heart races, my soul flutters and I can barely believe that this is not the dream of you from which I woke. When you tell me you love me, I shatter every time, knowing I cannot deserve this gift and yet you place it in my hands anyway.  When you speak to me with love I melt, when you speak to me sternly I bend to your will, when you speak to me as your lover I am blest and when you speak to me with lust I become a flood at your feet. When you place yourself into my care I am humbled by the gift, so precious and showing me so much trust. I want to hold you like a blooming glass flower. Fearful I’ll drop it I may hold too tightly, fearful you’ll snap I may hold too loose. It’s easier to see us both as chapters, comprising a book. We each add who we are and learn who the other is and grow together. My clever fox, my prince, my little princess, my knight, my love, my lover, my sweetness, my all. 

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