Monday, June 10, 2024

i like your lie

not going there
don't dare to hope
it's not like it's really even a chance
it hurts so bad
this being close
but i see him and want to dance
shove it down
good girl choke on it
shut it up
he likes me?
push it further down girl
i can't hear you gag yet
those words don't happen
they just don't
i'm your fuck toi
i'm your kitteh
i'm your pussy..hmm.. cat
i'm your wet dream
i'm your cumming scream
no one's ever jealous over me
i'm your duct tape
i'm your glue
you'll just walk out when you're through
don't play this game
don't lie to me
don't tell me you love me
fucken cum and get off me
don't take the armor off
just slip my panties to the side
not showing you this
not showing you where i hide
hold me now
i kinda like your lie

Friday, March 30, 2012

Girly as hell...

If I’m never able to utter another word in this life I want you to know something, not just hear me say it but know … that I need you, utterly, helplessly and without wish for a cure. I need your help, your calm center, your rational force, your playful sweet nature. Know that every time I hear your voice I am struck with the enormous luck I have to be in your esteem. When you send me a message out of the blue I am awed and subjugated by my overwhelming affection. My heart races, my soul flutters and I can barely believe that this is not the dream of you from which I woke. When you tell me you love me, I shatter every time, knowing I cannot deserve this gift and yet you place it in my hands anyway.  When you speak to me with love I melt, when you speak to me sternly I bend to your will, when you speak to me as your lover I am blest and when you speak to me with lust I become a flood at your feet. When you place yourself into my care I am humbled by the gift, so precious and showing me so much trust. I want to hold you like a blooming glass flower. Fearful I’ll drop it I may hold too tightly, fearful you’ll snap I may hold too loose. It’s easier to see us both as chapters, comprising a book. We each add who we are and learn who the other is and grow together. My clever fox, my prince, my little princess, my knight, my love, my lover, my sweetness, my all. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


You go to be who you need to be
You go to bleed
arms reach out to embrace
to feel the air you left behind
warm traces of the perfume of your smile
hinting madness at screaming dawn
it isn't quite cold yet
not again quite dead
all these sweet sorrowfull visions
wrapping around my head
I'm falling apart
but right now i don't care
all i need surrounds me
i can smell it there
the traces of the perfume of your smile in my hair.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Flower dreams

How are we getting out of this? He’d looked so plaintive before that the relief washing over his face now they were free was palpable… had a taste to it even of wildflowers at dawn after a dark, thick night… “I just need to focus on my happy thoughts” she’d answered. He thought she’d been kidding, any sane person would have thought so. Realizing they were finally free and safe he looked at her smiling unbelieving at their luck. Her face was turned away down and apprehensive. “What is it?” he asked, fear stealing back over his heart so cold and fast it hurt. His hand came down along her cheek, lifting it to see the internal struggle taking place behind her eyes. “You.” She said quietly and drew a breath of resolve.  “You are…  ALL my happy thoughts”. He brought his lips down to greet hers as his arms wrapped closer around her holding her delicately but protected. Just between their hearts it started a glow… a seed which opened like a crystal flower sending wispy tendrils through the air between them.. around them… wrapping around their bodys and lifting them up.. higher into the air  and becoming all to warm… the kiss intensified and so did the heat… consuming… burning… charring… exhausting… till the flower was all that was left shrinking into itself and falling just a tear drop to the ground.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Maybe i'm too sensative...

i am wishing i could crawl into a hole
the anger
the hatred
it hurts
this is not the world i love
not the one i'd prefer to live in
the one that holds each other
supports each other
loves eachother
cares for children
in your life and those unknown
so i'm going back into my world
till this one can be brave enough to love again

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Just Words

They're just words.
Falling softly on my ear.
It's just a story
drawing me near.
It's just hope
winging toward you.
It's just fear
holding me here.

They're just words.
Feeling them touch me.
It's just a story
holding me each night
It's just hope
lifting my spirits
It's just fear
making me fight.

I never know enough
I never know it All
I don't know how much further i'll fall

Are there rocks at the bottom
will i hurt? will i crawl?
will there be tears? bloodshed?
Or bliss after all?

They're only Words.
but all i've waited to hear.
The sweet i love yous
falling softly on my ear

It's only a Story,
but much more than a dream,
all of this fantasy
driving all my screams

It's just Hope
of what may yet be
It's just Fear
holding me here
afraid of who i'll be

Monday, October 25, 2010


She awoke with a start. She wasnt' breathing. Why couldn't she breathe? Scared and panicking she snorted air in through her nose. Good. It smelled awful and each intake was sore and headachy, like she'd just run a mile and couldn't take in the air fast enough through her sore and tortured lungs. She drank the air in like cool water except it was a hot hose on a summer day.  When her thirst for air was manageably sated, she moved her lips. If she moved them back and forth she could feel the sticky canvas backside of the duct tape over it. The more she wiggled the more freedom she gained, but such triumphs were small and increasingly frustrating. Her nose was broken, she was aware of that now. She could feel the splintering and swelling. The swelling that made it so hard to breath in through her nose in the first place. Her hair was wet with sweat and blood. She could feel it sticking to her forehead and tiny tugs where blood had started to dry it to her skin like a scab as she tried to move her head around. The room pitched and vomit rose at the sticky sweet smell of her own blood and the blinding white pain behind her eyes as she reached unexpectedly the limit of her motion.
Her head bobbed there for a moment and it all sunk in very quickly. The itching feeling of the rope around her wrists and the burning where she'd been trying to wiggle free in her sleep.  A quick tug told her the efforts had caused her wrists to swell, any hope she had of slipping out was dashed. The shooting pain in her left arm let her know that when they'd been wrenched behind her it had been either strained or out and out broken. She'd have to worry about that later. She was on her knees on concrete. The tiny bits of gradient bit into her kneecaps and shins. So she was knelt on her knees but standing was impossible not just for the bounds around her legs, arms and hands but as the bonds were  connected. 

... Not sure what to do with this yet the first part came to me suddenly and the rest is fading a bit... maybe because i'm sick or maybe cause i don't want to go here...